Making a story great is the job of a storyteller. Telling a story is something natural for humans yet storytelling requires vision, creativity, skill, and practice. Storytelling is certainly a form of art that started ages ago and has a place in every society and culture.
The power of stories relies in the fact that they can help creating connections. In storytelling, there is a process of combining fact and narrative to communicate to an audience. The stories can be factual, improvised or embellished to provide a better explanation on the core message.
There is a difference between good storytelling and great storytelling. A good story is thought and developed to convey a message, share valuable information and even entertain audiences. The idea is that everything said, from the first sentence to the last, lead to a singular goal.
Telling a story is about describing, it’s like painting a picture with words; so, the more information you add, the easier it is to connect with audiences.
What makes stories special?
We tell stories for different reasons. From educating, bragging, selling or entertaining, there are endless things we can acquire through storytelling.
We all love stories since they are part of who we are. Stories have the power to cross the barriers of past, present and future.
There are some ideas that are hard to explain; however, through stories, they can be easily understood. In other words, stories can help explain concepts in a better way. This happens because stories help solidify abstract concepts and messages that seems confusing or even complex.
How to improve skills at storytelling?
- First, it’s crucial to determine the audience and get to know them. It’s about understanding who we speak to, what the things they value are and what they are looking for.
- Another requirement is to know the punch-line. This means being aware of the purpose of the story yet being subtle. The story can be emotional, funny, meaningful, etc. and even if the objective is to sell a product or service, it shouldn’t feel that way.
- Third, using some questions can help engage the audience and create an experience for the reader.
- Build a closure with a grand finale. No matter the plot around the story, it’s important to provide all the information in it and avoid leaving the audience with questions. Stories are about connection and there’s nothing better than having a great closure to leave the audience in awe and to convert them.
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